If you aren't familiar with Etsy, this is a marketplace website where people sell all manner of handcrafted items. You can buy so many cool things on this site from some seriously talented people. I love to buy unique gifts for my friends and family from Etsy.
Heartsy is a new website offering daily deals from Etsy sellers. I'm in love!!!!!
One of today's deals is $13 for a $38 credit to Etsy seller, tweakdesigns. I love, love, love this green necklace.
It sells for $17 (already a bargain in my eyes), but with a Heartsey deal I can get the necklace and these adorable clips....
and this amazing ring (I like green, can you tell?).....
and this baby headband that makes me want a little girl soooooo bad (not that I don't adore my son, but I don't think this headband is his style).....
With a voucher from Heartsy, I could get ALL of that for $13! I seriously might die from happiness. It looks there is a limited number of each voucher, but there are several deals each day. Sign up now!
That is pretty sweet. Thanks for sharing!